Evidence Informed Prostate Cancer Integrative Care Wellness Plans Support Symptom Relief

May 27, 2023

Prostate cancer is one of the most actively fought types of cancer today, with 1 out of 8 males in the U.S. diagnosed during their lifetime. 2018 statistics from the National Cancer Institute estimated 3,245,430 men were living with prostate cancer in the United States, and nearly 268,490 men are expected to develop prostate cancer in 2022, according to the American Cancer Society.

In many men, prostate cancer cells grow so slowly that they never break free of the gland, spread to distant sites, and pose a serious risk to longevity. According to Dr. Donald Abrams MD, Integrative Oncology at the University of California San Francisco, who also Chairs Wellkasa’s Medical Advisory Board, these unique features allow for the possibility of diet and lifestyle interventions to improve prostate disease trajectory. Further, research from Dr. Abrams finds complementary therapies useful in helping patients manage the side effects of radiation, surgery, or androgen deprivation therapy. Dr. Abrams suggests that these complementary therapies may support both physical and psychological side effects.

Dr. Abrams recommendation on complementary therapies for prostate cancer usually starts with nutrition advice. He suggests a plant-based antioxidant-rich diet with an emphasis on cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower), tomatoes, soy, pomegranate, and marine omega 3 fatty acids (like fish oil) while avoiding saturated fats, including dairy products. He recommends supplementation when he sees patients who find it hard to achieve optimum nutrition levels through diet or other normal lifestyle means. For example, to ensure that patients receive benefits of Vitamin D in their prostate cancer treatment, he recommends that patients maintain 25 (OH)D levels around 40-50 ng/mL. (25 (OH)D blood test is the most accurate way to measure how much Vitamin D is in your body.)

To make supplementation easy for patients, Wellkasa has introduced Wellness Plans for Prostate Cancer. An Integrative Approach to Prostate Cancer and other peer-reviewed research, along with Dr. Abrams' clinical expertise, helped develop Wellkasa’s Wellness Plans for Prostate Cancer. To further empower patients in managing their disease, Wellkasa’s Wellness Plans not only detail supplements for prostate cancer symptom relief but also provide access to the highest quality curated professional-grade products usually not available in retail stores.

In addition to nutrition and supplementation, physical activity and mind-body therapies should also be considered as a part of whole person care to help navigate the challenging prostate cancer treatment journey. Physical activity has been shown to have multiple benefits in men diagnosed with all stages of prostate cancer from strengthening bones to improving, and enhancing overall wellbeing. Yoga, combining physical activity with a mind-body component, has been shown to have a wellbeing effect in both prostate cancer patients and their caregivers. Mind-body interventions to reduce stress, including mindfulness-based stress reduction and support groups may be useful adjunctive therapies.

Learn more about Wellkasa-Dr. Abrams Prostate Cancer Wellness plans here. Â