What Are the Top 5 Migraine Causes?

May 22, 2023

Although many people think of migraines as headaches, migraine is a type of neurological disorder. Headaches are a common symptom of migraine, but there are many other migraine symptoms people often do not associate with the condition. Migraine 

causes are still not entirely understood, but researchers believe stress, hormones, sleeping habits, diet, and nutrient deficiencies are some of the most common migraine causes.

Top Migraine Causes #1: Stress


Stress is helpful for achieving goals and feeling a sense of urgency. If your stress levels become too high, it can impact productivity or cause chemical responses in your brain that may lead to a migraine. Stress is often caused by external forces that are beyond your control. While stress can be an excellent motivator, it is also a migraine cause for up to 80 percent of migraine sufferers. The key is forming healthy habits to manage controllable stressors effectively. Adequate work-life balance and efficient time management are often great places to start. Since approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States suffers from mental health problems, it may be helpful to consult a therapist to create a care plan to manage stress.

 Top Migraine Causes #2: Hormones

You may hear ‘hormones’ and immediately conjure an image of a hormonal teenager, but most people experience hormone changes. Teenagers react extremely to hormones because their bodies are adjusting to the sudden surge of estrogen and testosterone. Women’s hormones fluctuate drastically in response to their menstrual cycles. Between 50 and 70 percent of women suffer from migraines related to their menstrual cycles. If hormones or menstruation, specifically, are one of your migraine causes, a gynecologist may be able to stabilize your hormones with birth control.

Top Migraine Causes #3: Sleeping Habits

Sleep is essential for your body and brain to grow and recover. 

Around 85 percent of people with migraine also report poor sleep. If you struggle to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night, you should consider speaking with your doctor about sleep remedies and whether restlessness is causing your migraines.

Top Migraine Causes #4: Diet

Dietary habits are some of the more common migraine causes. Studies suggest that particular foods and beverages have triggered migraines in up to 44 percent of people with the disorder. You may develop a dependency on substances like caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and even prescription headache treatments. However, you could experience headaches if you cut back on these ingredients. While these substances are not healthy, consuming them is fine in moderation. If you develop a dependency, the substance may alter your brain so that the altered state seems normal. If you drink regular coffee or soda, you might experience headaches because drinking caffeine causes your brain’s blood vessels to narrow. As such, once the caffeine is removed, the blood vessels widen, causing a migraine because the blood flows more easily.

Dehydration is also one of the more common migraine causes. If you are always on your feet for work, it might seem challenging to drink 8 cups of water each day, but staying hydrated is critical for your neurological performance and overall wellness. It is a good idea to carry a water bottle with you while you work or have a bottle by your desk. Consulting a dietitian may help you create a nutritious, vitamin-rich diet.

Top Migraine Causes #5: Nutrient Deficiencies

You may have nutrient deficiencies despite a vitamin-filled diet. A study found that 31 percent of people in the United States were in danger of developing one or more nutrient deficiencies.  Your body is complex and constantly changing. An untreated nutrient deficiency could have a ripple effect that disrupts regular biological functions. For instance, magnesium helps your body regulate levels of Vitamin D and other essential minerals. Consider speaking with your doctor to see whether supplements are the right option to decrease migraine symptoms and take charge of your well-being.

Find a Migraine Dietary Supplement

Wellkasa's™ Migra-Well™ line comes in 3 formulas to bring you the 24-hour neurological support you need.

  • The Migra-Well™ am migraine dietary supplement is perfect if you are looking for a natural energy boost to get you through the day. The Migra-Well™ am formula is especially great if you want to reduce caffeine intake without jeopardizing your productivity.
  • The Migra-Well™ pm formula is ideal if you suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort or struggle to fall asleep.
  • The Migra-QWell™ formula is designed to stop headaches in their tracks. Migra-QWell™ is optimal if you want a clean and natural alternative that may lower your need for prescription drugs and over-the-counter options to quell an oncoming headache.